
KI Familie

Spot on for the KI Familie

On 2 March 2021, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) jointly hosted the virtual event "Durch Kooperation an die Spitze. Die Automobilindustrie gestaltet den digitalen Wandel."

In the opening panel, Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier, VDA President Hildegard Müller, Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, and Ola Källenius, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, discussed the transformation and digital future of the automotive location Germany. Furthermore, Thomas Jarzombek, the Economic Affairs Ministry’s Commissioner for the Digital Industry and Start-ups, presented a notice of funding to KI Wissen, the fourth project of the KI Familie.

With reference to AI and autonomous driving, the KI Familie was then presented with its projects not only to high-ranking representatives from politics and industry, but also to over 3,000 participants.

The KI Familie was developed from the internationally renowned VDA Leitinitiative autonomous and connected driving and accelerates innovations through joint research activities of car manufacturers, suppliers, technology providers and research institutions. This sets new standards in pre-competitive research.

The event was recorded and can be accessed here:

„Durch Kooperation an die Spitze. Die Automobilbranche gestaltet den digitalen Wandel“ - YouTube

The presentation of the KI Familie starts at 1:15:27. You can download the presentation on the KI Familie here: Präsentation KI Familie.